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Top 10 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Japan

--Kode Iklan--
Top 10 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Japan

What are the best small business investment opportunities in Japan? Do you want to know what it takes to start a business in Japan? Do you want to know the best businesses to start in Japan? Then I advice you read on.
Being a country with a vibrant and booming economy, Japan has the second most technologically powerful economy in the world after the United States. The country also has the third largest economy in the world after the United States and China, when measured on a Purchase Power Parity basis. It also ranks as both the fourth largest importer and the fourth largest exporter.

Japan now serves as a trend-setting market, not only for industrial applications but also for consumer styles and trends. And with enough manpower and adequate and reliable power supply, Japan is a good place for aspiring investors to explore. So here are the top ten business opportunities in Japan that will bring quick returns on investment for smart investors:

Top 10 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Japan
1. Pharmaceutical
Japan has the world’s 2nd largest pharmaceutical industry with a total market value of over $60 billion. This proves that pharmaceutical products such as drugs and other forms of medication are in huge demand in Japan. So, investors can make it big in this sector. If you have in-depth knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry, then Japan is a good place for you to go start your own business.
2. Information technology
Again, Japan is the world’s second largest IT market in the world. The country’s IT industry caters to a huge local and international market. So, there are huge opportunities for experts in anything related to information technology. If you have a solid background in information technology and have a knack for developing innovative solutions, then Japan is waiting to reward your expertise. Better yet, you can start a business that sells various IT solutions.
3. Energy
As Japan keeps developing by the day, the rate of energy consumption in the country is increasing. And more opportunities keep emerging for investors to make money from the energy sector.Although the industry is somewhat competitive, smart investors with strong unique selling points will always have their way through the market.
4. Retail
Retailing is very lucrative in Japan, just like in many other countries. There is a large population to cater to, and so the market is large and the opportunities are unlimited. To start a retail business in Japan, you buy products from the manufacturers using your own funds and sell them, but this approach may be capital intensive.
A smarter approach is to collaborate with manufacturers and get their products. You will only pay them back after you have sold the products. Amazon adopts the latter approach.
5. Manufacturing
Japan has many manufacturing firms because the country is rich in the raw materials used in most industries. So, you can easily start a manufacturing business in Japan because the raw materials are readily available. You can start a small-scale manufacturing business; for example, one that produces items like nails, or a plastic making factory.
6. Agriculture
Agriculture thrives in any economy because of the ever-huge demand for food and other agricultural products. In Japan, there is high demand for fruits and vegetables as well as livestock products such as eggs and cheese. So, if you have a knack for agriculture, Japan is a very good place to start a business. And the good thing about agriculture is, you can start with little capital and without any formal qualifications or certifications.
7. Real estate
In any fast-growing economy, the real estate industry booms like wild. This runs true for Japan as well, leaving many untapped opportunities in the country for real estate investors. So, if you are looking to start a business in Japan or some other fast growing country, real estate is a good option.
Because more foreigners are becoming aware of the huge business opportunities in Japan, new businesses by foreigners spring up daily. However, these businesses are usually faced with the challenge of adapting to the business climate in Japan and connecting well with customers. As a business consultant, you can help these businesses achieve their goals quickly by offering them expert advice on how to attract customers, increase sales, and thrive amid competition.
9. Alternative medicine
Alternative medicine is a lucrative sector in Japan, just as is the case in countries like China and India. There is huge demand for natural health practitioners and herbal medicine products. So, if you have good knowledge of ayurveda, yoga, homeopathic medicine, or some other practice in alternative medicine, starting a business in Japan would most probably turn out profitable.
10. Jewelry
Japanese women love fashion. And for this reason, there is huge demand in the country for women’s clothes, shoes, and jewelry. If you are looking to start a business in Japan, sell jewelry and other clothing accessories, especially those meant for women.

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