The 10 most popular businesses for foreigners to start up in Japan
The website (Entrepreneur
Japan) has listed the top 10 businesses that are most popular with foreigners
who start their own company while living in Japan. Of course, it is far from
certain that entering into these business will make you a fortune – or even pay
your living expenses, but they have the potential to grow into money-making
1. Import and Export
Well-known and well-marketed as a shopping paradise, Japan has just about
everything you could ever want to buy. But how about folks back home? Or what about
those goodies you think could be a hit in Japan but nobody here has yet seen?
Import and Export was the most popular business for foreigners to launch; areas
covered included food, clothing, furniture, scrap metal, commodities, cars and
2. Restaurant
Restaurant management is another popular route and in relation to starting
other businesses in Japan, is relatively easy to do. Indian curry, British
pubs, American burgers are all popular offerings and have sprung up around big
cities with an increased frequency of late. The foreign restaurant business in
Japan has also created a lot of opportunities for the larger expat community,
employing foreign waiters
and waitresses and proving to be a natural market for importers
of foreign produce.
3. Travel Agencies
One of the necessities of being foreign in Japan is the ability to travel
freely, being able to come and go to the country as and when needed. Flights
back to a home country for a family emergency or to take a break are just a few
of the reasons why. Where foreigners are able to profit here is in offering
cheaper tickets year-round, not just with the seasonally adjusted Japanese
travel agents, who are usually catering for a market that prefers to buy their
air tickets as part of package tours.
4. System Engineering
IT is a huge employer of foreign talent in Japan with companies like
Panasonic and Gree looking to fill engineering
positions in order to meet product demand. For those who do not
fancy life inside a big corporate environment, plenty of work is available for
independent contractors in various areas. An entrepreneur with the right
expertise would do well to explore the market.
Language Schools
The language school sector remains a place for many to get a foot in the
door of Japanese society. It can go on to become a career for some and for
others, is a useful way to help support an extended trip to the country.
Entrepreneurially minded teachers who consistently deliver popular classes and
can handle the business demands can also strike out on their own, beginning
with as little as a few teaching materials and a small rented office.
Positions 6 through 10 are listed below:
6. Electronics sales (this usually covers helping folks in Japan set up
their internet and utilities or getting hold of products that are otherwise
available through Japanese-only ordering)
7. Translation (count on this one being around for the foreseeable future,
especially in the areas of technical documents, law and accounting)
8. Acupuncture (add to that other businesses that provide personal services
to help folks stay fit and healthy)
9. Publisher / foreign book stores (Lots of examples of writers and other
creative people living amongst the foreign community).
10. Dance Schools (a natural fit for anybody who enjoys salsa, ballroom
or street dancing)
Photo courtesy of tata_aka_T /